I had a kickstarter running for the past month to raise funds for some finishing and marketing costs for "Psycho Sex Dolls" We made the minimum kickstarter last night!

Thank you so much to everybody who has shared the project. My kickstarter backers will get a private update today, but I just wanted to do this blog too, to thank those who shared the project. 

My minimum target to reach the ALL or NOTHING was £7000. It then went into the next £10,000 stretch goal. I went beyond that to £11,000, so my next goal was to also shoot "Promo Shorts" 

However, somebody backed out with £600 in the last few minutes. Which still left me with over £10,000.

Kickstarter charges the payments once the campaign has met its goal. At this minute, a further £2,800 worth of pledges have not went through. Most of that is one large backer. They get a week to sort their card. If they do!

Hey, this happens all the time on kickstarter. It happened on my last campaign too. Some people pledge and don't follow through with payments, and some people just need a reminder for fix a card. Kickstarter gives everybody a week.

Anyway, if the last payments don't go through, I'll still end up with a bit more than my initial £7000 target. That's why I always push to get over the targets, but I'll be short for the "Doll Short films" that I was doing with the £10k stretch goal.

I also mention this because even though my campaign has ended, the platform is still open for "Late Pledges" A new feature where you can still get perks after a campaign is over. It's not pledges though, you are buying a perk just like a shop.

I was going to remove the Producer Credits for "Psycho Sex Dolls", as I will be locking the film later this month, but I am leaving it open for the rest of this month, especially if this large backer doesn't deliver on their pledge.

I want to see if I can make up the short fall to do the promo shorts I was going to do with the Stretch goal. Everybody that buys a perk, will also get access to all the kickstarter private updates

Thank you all so much! It's onwards and upwards with this first film release and on to the sequel in a few months. I'll be updating backers on a weekly basis.


Kickstarter Late Pledges


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