I've been in post production with the film and juggling other commitments, so I have not been on social much.
On the last blog update, I was still struggling to finish the film, as I needed some funds to complete it. The merch sales on here help, but I needed a bigger cash injection if I was to stay on course for a Spring-Summer release.
I then got an investor on board a few weeks back, which was enough investment to help me complete the post production work. Which was a fantastic boost. Anyway, my target to start releasing the film is now between early and mid July of this year.
It's a small film so it won't be so big fanfare release. The goal is just to start releasing it in stages, and get straight on to the sequel for a September shoot. I plan to release the sequel before the end of the year.
Everybody that has supported the projected on kickstarter, bought merch, or invested, will get to see the film first. I'm probably going to release it via a new kickstarter campaign in July. Where you can get to see the film early, if you buy into the next.
Then it will be released on global streaming platforms in a month or so later. It will also be submitted to some festivals and such.
Once I have completed the post work, I'll be back on social a lot more.
Thanks to everybody that has been involved with the project, and supported it.
All the best